Yesterday morning I made a little pillow with one of my collages printed on fabric, and I was so happy with how it turned-out that I stayed up half the night making a bunch more. The first one is a present for a dear friend, so I am not showing that one yet. They are all around 5"x4", plus the hanging parts.
Anyway, a few months ago I went to an estate sale and walked away with 4 storage units of little plastic drawers FILLED with mainly vintage plastic beads. Who doesn't need thousands of those in every color of the rainbow?! I just couldn't leave them... Some of the other drawers had newer jewerly/craft supplies that I will someday get around to listing for sale.

I also went through my ginourmous stash of fabrics, and I can't wait to start plowing through it. I used to be a milliner, hat designer, until I got really burned-out, so I put my fabrics and sewing stuff away for a while. OK, years. Now it feels like I have all this new stuff to play with, so that's good. I'd forgotten how relaxing and sort of meditative (is that a word?) sewing is for me. I am even thinking of making some more hats. I'll post some pics soon of some of the hats I made when I had my millinery store.
So, I'm going to list these in my etsy store and see what happens. I wish my pics didn't turn-out sort of washed-out. I use Photoshop, but I'm afraid to tweak them too much bc they start to look too messed-with. Any suggestions?