(these whistles really work!)
I assured the woman that I was indeed serious, and we agreed on a price. I very happily carted away the heavy bags and couldn't wait to go back to the cottage and play.

That was 4th of July weekend. When I had that happy adrenaline buzz you get when you find a treasure, I didn't think of how long it would take me to sort through those 1,000+ charms and toys... I would start out very motivated, then start to go cross-eyed after about an hour and have to stop. Did that over and over and over, etc, and finally it was finished.

I have them listed in both my MLouIsPink shop and my PinkyLouLou shop, as some weren't charms but would make fabulous cupcake toppers.

Here are some, but you'll need to visit my shops to see them all. Have a charming week!

(I know I am a pacifist, but I LOVE these!)